Registering A Product

Registering A Product

Once we know how to create categories and subcategories and how to generate rates, we can now address the materials
and/or resources registration process.

We click Main menu / button Warehouse / button Materials management / button add.
A window opens where we can fill in the information related to the product we would like to register.

This window has 3 areas:
• grey area where we will include the generic product details to be added.
- field material code. We enter the product description we would like to add.
- field description. We enter the product description we would like to add.
- field alternative description. For example, if our company needs to have the product description in 2
languages, in this window appears a second field where it can be entered.
- field external code. We fill in the code identifying the product (the supplier code, the code of the formerly
implemented system at our company and so on).
- field category. We select the family to which the product we are adding belongs. The warehouses
management is addressed in the first chapter of this user manual.
- field subcategory. We select the subfamily to which the product we are adding belongs. When we select
a category, all the subfamilies corresponding to the previous category are displayed in this field.The
subcategories management is addressed in the first chapter of this user manual.
- field linked to the equipments. We enter the equipment typologies to which the product we are
registering are linked.
· There are products that are linked to many categories of equipment devices; in this case, we
choose the most common typology for that product.
· On the other side, there are products that are not linked to any particular typology; in this case,
and since it is required to select a typology, we recommend selecting the most common equipment
type our company works with.

This information is not very useful. Just in some cases, it may be helpful for our technicians who, on their
mobile device, can filter products by equipment devices typologies to which they are linked.

- field supplier. We enter the supplier to which the product we are registering belongs.

It is mandatory that all the products are linked to a supplier. In circumstances when we are registering a
resource without a defined supplier, we recommend that you create a generic supplier to associate it with.
How manage suppliers is addressed in the User manual ‘G3w and the Management of Suppliers’.

- field manufacturer. We enter the product manufacturer we are registering.
- field model. We enter the product model we are registering.
- field bar code. We enter the barcode of the product we are registering. The barcode can be captured
directly if we read the device code with the code scanner (with the cursor placed in the field).
- field installation time in minutes. We enter the estimated product installation time at the client’s
premises. This information is useful because it appears on quotes, apart from other functions.
- field delivery time in calendar days. We enter the delivery time of the product we are registering.
- field location. We enter the information of the warehouse location where we are going to store the product
we are registering.
- field weight. We enter the weight of the product we are registering.
- field purchase price. We enter the price of the product we are registering. In materials already registered,
we find on the right the icon paper and clock that offers us the history of the purchase prices and
discounts that this material has had. For each price it offers us the user's information and the date on
which the price was modified.
- Field Discount %: we enter the discount provided to us by the supplier for the materials item in question.
This discount will be automatically loaded in to the Discount % field of the order line items. This way,
each time we add an order line item that includes that materials item, the system will apply that discount.

As we know, there are two discount types that we can apply to orders from a vendor: an overall discount
to the total amount of any order from that vendor (as defined on the Supplier record) and a partial
discount to certain lines of an order (as defined on the Materials record)

Both discounts can be concurrent. The first discount to be applied is the order line items discount. And
then the discount is applied to the entire amount resulting from the order.

- Field Minimum selling price: From the control panel we can add the minimum price at which the
materials should be offered in the drawn up quotes.

When creating a quote and adding a quote line item containing materials, if the amount of that materials
item (considering any discounts) is less than the Minimum selling price, G3w will not allow to add that
line. G3w will display the following message: A product may not be offered below its minimum selling

- field sales subaccount. This appears when our company uses sales subaccounts by product.
- selector remote access. This is a very useful selector because it allows us to authorise a technician
whether or not he/she can view or use, on the mobile device, this product for the jobs. Activated by default.
- field visual sorting. We enter the order n which the materials will be displayed in the technician's mobile
application. It is used to sort them according to the frequency of use.
- field remark. We enter the remark we deem appropriate.

blue Rates area. Here, we will include the information related to the rates, specifically the prices the product
we are adding will have at each of the rates (both regarding the general rate and the specific rates).
- field list price general rate. We enter the list price the product will have in our company’s general rate.
This price is known as product price. It is a unique price and applies to all the clients equally.
- Below, we are shown all the rates our company has registered (they are registered in Main menu / button
Rates, as described in the User manual ‘G3w and the Management of Prices and Rates’).

In each of them, if we deem it necessary, we enter the price at which we will invoice the product to the
client depending on the rate linked to that client. It is known as price per rate. The product price per rate
depends on the associated product rate, and is linked to the site client at which we carry out the work. In
fact, when registering a client we can specify the applicable rate.
· field specific rate xxx. We enter the list price the product will have in that specific rate.
If we leave the field blank, the product list price at this "specific xxx" rate is the same as the general
If we establish 􀀀0, the product list price included in this rate is 􀀀0, it is a free product for the client
· field specific rate yyy. We proceed in a similar way with the “yyy rate”.
If we leave the field blank, the product list price at this "specific yyy" rate is the same as the general
If we establish 􀀀0, the product list price included in this rate is 􀀀0, it is a free product for the client
· … field specific rate zzz. …

How to manage rates is addressed in the User Manual ‘G3w and the Management of Prices’.

• yellow Stocks area. Here, we enter the stock-related information
- selector stock control. We tick this selector if we would like the materials we are entering to be stock
control enabled. In this way, for example, when one of our technicians uses this material in their jobs,
their stock in the warehouse to which it is associated will be decreased by the number of units used; or,
when we receive a supplier order, the stock of this material will increase by the number of units received.
- Below, all the registered warehouses at our company are displayed (they are registered from the Main
menu / button Manage warehouses, as described in this user manual).

For each of them, we enter the values of the current stock, the minimum stock level and the maximum
stock level. Remember, the minimum stock level can be established now, as we are registering the
product, or when we query the status of a warehouse (as explained in the chapter modifying a product of
this user manual). Be aware that when the product has reached the minimum stock level, the system
sends an automatic email to the warehouse manager informing of that condition
· Warehouse no. 1: field current stock (stock maintained in this warehouse), field minimum
stock level, (the desired minimum stock level in this warehouse) and the field maximum stock
level (the desired maximum stock level in this warehouse).
· Warehouse no. 2: field current stock (stock maintained in this warehouse), field minimum
stock level, (the desired minimum stock level in this warehouse) and the field maximum stock
level (the desired maximum stock level in this warehouse).
· …
How to manage warehouses is addressed in the first chapter of this user manual.
We click the option add to validate the registration process we are carrying out or the option cancel to abort the process.

After adding the product, the system displays us the product we have just added in chart format and contains the following
information: code assigned by the system, description, external code, supplier, manufacturer, model and the remark we
have left.

In addition, 4 icons may exist:
• icon mobile phone. It indicates it is a remote access product, that is, a product that our technicians can view
on their mobile devices
• icon warehouse. It indicates it is a product with stock control enabled.
• icon down arrow. It allows us to display the complete product information.
• icon paper and pencil. It allows us to edit and display all the product details, and introduce changes as we
deem appropriate. We validate them by clicking the option update or we cancel them by clicking the option
In addition, from the lower button panel we can perform other operations such as:
- define price ranges for product sales prices (option price ranges),
- eliminate products with their stocks (option eliminate),
- duplicate already existing products to facilitate the registration of other similar products (option duplicate),
- query product entries and exits for a date range (option entry of materials and option exit of materials)

Remember: once a product has been registered, we can define price ranges for sales prices and their corresponding
commission %. These are the scales our company uses to settle commissions with sales representatives regarding business
This process is described in the User manual ‘G3w and the Management of Sales Representatives. After locating
the materials on the Main menu / option Warehouse / option Materials, it is edited with the icon paper and pencil
and the option price range is selected (it appears if our company has the commission per price ranges configured).
As mentioned, in order to create price ranges, our company is required to have the "commissions by price ranges"
configured throughout the implementation process.

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