Querying Prices

Querying Prices

Consultation of the purchase price history of a material
We can consult all the purchase prices that a product has had. To do this, we locate the material in Main menu / button
Warehouse / button Materials management / button search. We click on the icon paper and pencil on the right and we
access the material's file. We locate the purchase price field and click on the icon paper and clock to the right of it. We
access the history of the purchase prices and the discounts that this material has had. For each price it offers us the user's
information and the date that the price was modified.

Querying all the prices assigned to a product
We can query all the prices of a specific product (the price of the product or that of the general rate and the prices at the
specific rates) from the Main menu / button Materials management / button search.

A window opens where we can enter the product search filters in the fields description, product code, external code,
supplier, manufacturer, model, category and subcategory.

We click the option display to validate the search process. The system displays a table with all the products that match the
entered parameters.

We locate the product of our interest. We click the icon down arrow or the icon paper and pencil on the right to view the
complete product information, including its prices.

Querying the prices of all the products assigned to a rate
Very useful information can be found via the Main menu / button warehouse / button rates list. We obtain an Excel file
containing the prices of one or all the products for a specific rate.
This list is very useful in order to check prices, to hand them out to clients and so on.

From the Main menu / button warehouse / button rates list we access the window Rates list. We enter the search filters
of our interest to get the intended list:
• field rate: we select the rate whose list we would like to obtain. If no one is chosen, the general price list is retrieved
(our company’s general rate).
• field material: we select the product included in the previous rate whose data we would like to obtain. If we leave
it blank, we obtain the query of all the products that match the remaining criteria.
• field category: we select the category to which the products belong that are included in the already selected rate.
• field subcategory: we select the products subcategory whose list we would like to display.
• field supplier: we select the products supplier whose list we would like to retrieve.
We click the option accept. An Excel file opens with all the products of a rate that match the entered requirements.

For each product, the table provides the following information: product code, description, supplier, VAT (IGIC, applied on
the Canary Islands, Spain), list price for the selected rate and purchase price. Depending on how we want to use this list,
we can eliminate the necessary columns (for example, those of the supplier and the purchase price if we would like to
forward the information to a client.)

Querying all the prices that all the products have at their different rates (price list)
We can query all the materials and all the prices that each materials item has at their different rates that have been created
at our company; that is, we can query our company’s complete materials price list.

We click the Main menu / Warehouse button / Price list button. The Price list window opens displaying a list of all
registered materials in our warehouses. For each of them, their code, description, external code, supplier, manufacturer,
model, purchase price and sales prices at each of their different rates that are applied to that materials item.

We can reduce the query range by entering search filters for the materials. To do this, click the search box. The filtering
fields are displayed: field code, field description, field external code, field supplier, field manufacturer, field model and
field Rates. We click the option display to validate the search process. The system displays a table containing the pricing
information of all the materials that match the entered parameters.

We can obtain both the extensive and reduced query in Excel format by clicking the Excel box.

Querying the list price ranges of a product (calculation of commercial commissions)
Should our company have the "commissions by price ranges" configured in order calculate commercial commissions, we
may query these price ranges with their corresponding % commission.
This process is described in the User manual ‘G3w and the Management of Sales Representatives’.

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