We can register geolocatable materials in the system from the Main menu / button warehouse / button geolocatable
We access the Geolocamaterials window with a series of fields and 2 options (query and insert). We write the search
criteria in the upper fields:
• field code: we enter an alphanumeric code that allows us to identify the product
• field serial number: we enter its serial number
• field description: we enter their description
• field status: it shows the current product location which may be "in our warehouse", "in delivery", "at the client’s
site" and "in pickup process". Obviously, when a product is registered, the only viable state is "in stock".
- selector in the warehouse: to be selected if we would like to query the products maintained in our warehouse
- selector for delivering: to be selected if we would like to query the products in delivery
- selector at the client’s site: to be selected if we would like to query the products that are at the client’s site
- selector for picking up: to be selected if we would like to query the products in pickup process
We click the option query.
A table with all the materials that match the established criteria is displayed. For each materials item, the system informs
us of its code, serial no., descriptions, delivery and pickup costs, status, job no. (for example, if the materials are already in
the warehouse, the job no. matches that of the pickup job that returned the product to the warehouse), site client, site client
address and a map (appears together with the "at the client’s site" and "for pickup" status).
The table offers the option Geolocate all the materials located at client sites. When we click it, a map opens with the
location of all the materials flagged either with the "at the client’s site" or the "for pickup" status.