Defining Sales Representative Commissions Linked To Each Product/Operation

Defining Sales Representative Commissions Linked To Each Product/Operation

As we have just mentioned, we may assign a commission % to a sales representative for the fee charged to the client, for
the materials used for a job or for the operations carried out to the client's equipment inventory.

Defining fee-based commissions
When registering a site client or editing a site client’s Client record, we can assign the commission the site client’s sales
representative will earn in the field fee-based commission.
This procedure is detailed in the User Manual ‘G3w and the Management of Clients’.

Defining Commissions for Materials
We click the Main menu / option sales representatives / option
The assign commissions window opens displaying a list of all the sales representatives at our company available to be
assigned commissions.
On the left to each sales representative, there is a selector that can be enabled if we want to assign commissions
to that sales representative. We can choose several sales representatives at the same time; this means we are
assigning the same commissions at once.
At the bottom we have 2 options: the option materials (from where commissions are assigned to materials used
during a job or the fee linked to the site client), and the option operations (from where commissions are assigned to
operations performed to clients).

In order to assign materials-related commissions to a sales representative, we first have to select the sales representatives
to which we would like to assign the commissions (by enabling the corresponding selector), and then click the option
A window is displayed containing all the materials grouped by categories and subcategories displaying all the sales
representatives we have selected. Specifically, the information is distributed across several columns:
• the first column includes a list of all the materials grouped by categories and subcategories. In fact, on the list we
find the classified materials with the categories’ and subcategories’ header names in dark green (categories) and
light green (subcategories) rectangles.
• the second column corresponds to the first selected sales representative. In this column we enter, for each product
on the left, the commission % to be assigned
• the third column corresponds to the second selected sales representative. In this column we enter, for each product
on the left, the % commission to be assigned
• and so on with all the sales representatives we've selected

The commission assignment to each sales representative can be done one by one or as a bulk job:
• one by one. We click each cell at the intersection between the materials and a sales representative and type the
desired commission that sales representative will receive when using these materials for the jobs. We proceed this
way: materials by materials and then we click the option accept found in the lower area of the screen
• in bulk, by subcategory. We click on the cell header of a subcategory. We type the commission we would like to
pay to that sales representative when using any kind of materials from that subcategory. We click the icon circular
arrow so that the commission is copied to all materials belonging to that subcategory. We proceed this way:
subcategory by subcategory and then we click the option accept found in the lower area of the screen
• in bulk, by category. We click the cell header of a category. We type the commission we would like to pay to that
sales representative when using any kind of materials from that category. We click the icon circular arrow for
that commission to be copied to all the materials belonging to that subcategory. We proceed this way: category by
category and then we click the option accept found in the lower area of the screen
• in bulk, by sales representative. We click the cell header of the sales representative. We type the commission we
would like to pay to that sales representative when using any kind of materials. We click the icon circular arrow
for that commission to be copied to all the materials. We click the option accept in the lower area of the screen

We repeat the process with the next sales representative.
Important note: assigning commissions to "special operations" (such as hydrostatic testing and refilling) whose prices
depend on the product type, are managed from "materials" and not from "operations".

Defining Commissions for Operations
We click the Main menu / option sales representatives / option assign commissions
The assign commissions window opens displaying a list of all the sales representatives at our company available to be
assigned commissions.
On the left to each sales representative, there is a selector that can be enabled if we want to assign commissions
to that sales representative. We can choose several sales representatives at the same time; this means we are
assigning the same commissions at once.

There are 2 options at the bottom: the option materials (from where commissions are assigned to materials used
during a job or the fee linked to the site client), and the option operations (from where commissions are assigned to
operations performed to clients).

In order to assign operations-related commissions to a sales representative, we first have to select the sales representatives
to which we would like to assign the commissions (by enabling the corresponding selector), and then click the option
A window opens containing all the operations grouped by equipment typologies displaying all the sales representatives we
have selected. Specifically, the information is distributed across several columns:
• the first column includes the listing of all the operations grouped by equipment typologies. In fact, on the list we
find the classified operations with the equipment typologies’ header names in salmon-coloured rectangles.
• the second column corresponds to the first selected sales representative. In this column we enter, for each product
on the left, the commission % to be assigned
• the third column corresponds to the second selected sales representative. In this column we enter, for each
operation on the left, the commission % to be assigned
This is done successively for all the selected sales representatives.

The commission assignment to each sales representative can be done one by one or as a bulk job:
• one by one. We click each cell at the intersection between an operation and a sales representative and type the
desired commission that sales representative will receive when carrying out that operation on the jobs. We proceed
this way: operation by operation and then we click the option accept found in the lower area of the screen

• in bulk, by equipment typology. We click the cell header of a typology. We type the commission we would like to
pay to that sales representative when carrying out any kind of operations on that equipment typology. We click the
icon circular arrow for that commission to be copied to all the operations carried out on that equipment
typology. We proceed this way: typology by typology and then we click the option accept found in the lower area
of the screen

• in bulk, by sales representative. We click the cell header of the sales representative. We type the commission we
would like to pay to that sales representative when carrying out any kind of operation. We click the icon circular
arrow for that commission to be copied to all the operations. We click the option accept in the lower area of
the screen

We repeat the process with the next sales representative.
Important note: assigning commissions to "special operations" (such as hydrostatic testing and refilling) whose prices
depend on the product type, are managed from "materials" and not from "operations"

Summary. We have already assigned a sales representative to each site client. We have already assigned to each sales
representative the fee commissions based on the site clients, the materials used during a job and operations carried on
tasks. This way, when a job is completed at a site client, G3w automatically detects the sales representative assigned to
that job. However, remember that from the Task record the job can be moved to another sales representative, as an
exception, by selecting the new sales representative in the field assigned sales representative.
At the same time G3w checks the materials used on a job and the carried-out operations, in order to verify if they hold any
commissions assigned to that sales representative. If this is the case, G3w applies the commission to each line item of the
job (the line item of the fee, the line item of the materials and the line item of the operation) and calculates the commission’s
total amount.

Finally, these commissions need to be paid out to each sales representative in order to consider them as paid.

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