In many cases we work with materials our company can buy from different suppliers. Generally, the information about these
products is practically identical, except for the supplier and the prices.
To facilitate the registration of similar products, G3w offers us the option to duplicate an existing product and modify the
necessary data for the new duplicate product (usually supplier and pricing information) .
We have to locate the product we would like to duplicate. We click Main menu / button materials management / button
search. We enter the search filters and click the option display. The system displays a table with all the products that match
the entered parameters.
We select the product we would like to duplicate. We click the icon paper and pencil on the right. We access the Product
record containing all the information thereof.
We duplicate the product. Therefore, we click the option duplicate found on the button panel in the lower area of the
screen. The system shows a message informing us that a new materials item will be created using the currently displayed data;
the special prices that have been defined will be copied but stock data will not be duplicated. We click the option
duplicate to continue with the operation.
After the product duplication, we proceed to perform the necessary information changes (supplier, prices etc.). The system
displays the duplicate product we have just created in chart format. We press the icon paper and pencil on the right to edit
and modify the necessary information (for example, the supplier name, their prices etc.). Once all the modifications have
been entered, press the option update.
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