Eliminating A Product From “materials Management”

Eliminating A Product From “materials Management”

Let us see how we can eliminate a product from our system.

First, we have to locate the product we would like to eliminate. We click Main menu / button materials management /
button search. We enter the search filters and click the option display. The system displays a table with all the products
that match the entered parameters.

We locate the product we would like to eliminate. We click the icon paper and pencil on the right.

We access a screen displaying all that materials information. We click the option eliminate. The system asks for a second
confirmation and notifies us that "the materials item, the definition of prices and stock data will be permanently eliminated".
This means we will no longer be able to recover the prices and the stock levels we established for that product.

We click the option accept to validate the process or the option cancel to abort the process.
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