Eliminating A Warehouse

Eliminating A Warehouse

G3w allows us to eliminate a warehouse from our system. However, we must bear in mind that eliminating a warehouse
entails eliminating, from the system, all the stock of all the products that this warehouse has registered in the system. For
this reason, before eliminating a warehouse we recommend:
• check the warehouse’s stock status. This operation is carried out from the Main menu / button warehouse / button
warehouse status, as described in this user manual.
• should the warehouse contain stock, transfer it to another warehouse. This operation is carried out from the Main
menu / button warehouse / button transfer materials, as explained in the chapter transferring materials between
warehouses in this user manual.
• proceed to its elimination, as described below.
We move on to the warehouse elimination process.
We start by locating the warehouse we would like to eliminate. From the Main menu / button warehouse / button manage
warehouses , we access the window Manage warehouses.
We click the option Search. A window opens where we enter, in the field warehouse, the name of the warehouse we are
looking for or, alternatively, a search pattern. If we leave the field warehouse blank, the system will display all the
warehouses registered at our company.
We click the option Display. We access the screen Manage warehouses which displays all the warehouses matching the
set filter.
On the chart, we locate the warehouse we would like to eliminate. We click the icon paper and pencil on the right. We
access a window where we view all their details (name, address, town, postcode, telephone, mail, van registration number
and the person in charge).
We click the option eliminate to delete that warehouse from the system. The system asks us to confirm the deletion and
informs that “the selected warehouse together with all the stock information that may exist in the system will be irrevocably
eliminated”. We click the option validate to validate the elimination.
We click the option cancel to abort the elimination process.

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