• the upper area displays our company's sales representatives. On the left to each sales representative, there is aselector that can be enabled if we want to pay commissions to that sales representative.• the central area includes filters related to dates, both those related to the completion of jobs (fields Jobs completedbetween the dates and the fields Date from / Date to), as well as those related to the collection of these jobs(fields Jobs collected between the dates and the fields Date from / Date to). In these fields we indicate therange of dates within which the jobs that we want to pay for the previously selected sales representative have beencompleted or collected• the lower area with a list of different states in which the jobs may be and that we would like to settle (they areexclusive).- verified invoiceable jobs- verified invoiceable and non-invoiceable jobs- verified non-invoiceable jobs- jobs invoiced with the amount of uncollected maturities. Sometimes, we may want to pay commissionsfor jobs that our company has already invoiced but that have not yet been collected.- jobs invoiced with all the maturities collected. This is the most common situation because usually ourcompany does not want to pay out anything that has not yet been collected.
• the sales representative we would like to pay.• the range of dates within which the jobs that we want to pay for the previously selected sales representative havebeen completed or collected• the status of the jobs we would like to paySince the statuses are exclusive, if we want to pay out commissions related to invoiced jobs with a pending amountof uncollected maturities and invoiced jobs with all the maturities already collected, we will have to perform thisprocess 2 times (once with the pending maturities and once with the collected maturities).
For each job, the table provides the commissions totalled by materials and by operations.At the same time and for each job, the table provides the following information:• job details. By clicking the icon down arrow on the left, the following job information is displayed: the jobnumber, the technician who carried it out, the job type (recurring, call-out etc.), the job start and end dates,the monetary amount of the job, the discount, the commission %, the total amount, the job invoice numberif available)
• the invoice client: number and name• the site client: number and name• the job’s total amount or the amount charged to the client for that job with the discounts applied• the sum of commissions from materials (including those related to the fee)• the amount of the commissions by operations• the total amount of commissions (from materials and operations)• the details about the acceptance slip line items and their applicable commissions. If we click the icondown arrow to the right, the line items of each material and each operation of that job, that may generatea commission, are displayed. For each item, it shows the used units, the unit price, the discount if it hasbeen applied, the % of the commissions allocated to that sales representative and the materials/operationand the totals per item (according to the units, the discounts and the commission %).