Managing Commissions

Managing Commissions

Commission management is a process consisting of 4 stages:
• assigning a sales representative to a site client as their account manager
• establishing commissions to a sales representative
• generating payments to sales representatives
• settling payments
As for establishing commissions, there are 2 different ways of calculating them:
• the standard way
For each sales representative, a % commission is defined for fees, products and operations of jobs that have been
carried out for site clients to which that sales representative is associated.
As we have mentioned, a sales representative may receive commission payments based on 3 concepts:
- for the fee charged to a site client.
The commission depends on the site client and the sales representative. On the Client record, the sales
representative assignment to the client is determined (field assigned sales representative), as well as
the commission the sales representative will receive based on the fee charged to the site client (field feebased
commission %)
- for the materials used while carrying out a job.
A commission % is established per sales representative and for every single materials item. Usually, the
commission is the same for a materials category or even for all the materials. This is the reason why G3w
facilitates the duplication of commissions among the materials of the same sales representative, as we
will see below.
It is recommended that, if we charge a fee, to not include materials. If we encounter irregularities while
carrying out a preventive job (fee-based), it is recommended to correct them by means of a new corrective
job (which includes the necessary materials). This is a mere recommendation because there are
companies that, while working on the actual preventive job, include the materials used to correct
- for operations carried out for a site client throughout a job.
A commission % is established per sales representative and for every specific operation. G3w allows us
to copy commissions for all the operations pertaining to the same sales representative.
If we charge based on fees, we typically do not apply an operation-based commission.

In other words, a commission % for each product and/or operation is assigned to each sales representative. Thev system detects when a job is linked to a sales representative and, in each line item of the job, it filters out its related commission and considers it to calculate sales commissions. In fact, when paying the job, we can see the line items of the job with their commissions (as detailed in this section).

• by price ranges
Ranges are defined for all the sales representatives based on different job-related sales prices associated to
materials and operations. In this modality, all the sales representatives obtain the same commission.

By default, the first modality (specific commissions for a product/an operation and a sales representative) is established
throughout the implementations. However, if our company requires so, we can request the configuration of the second
modality (commissions based on a product range for all the sales representatives).

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