can add, modify or eliminate already established price ranges.
The upper area of the window summarizes the information of the materials whose price range we would like to
manage (supplier, general rate purchase price and general rate sales price).
The lower area of the window displays a chart containing the existing price ranges. For each of them, it displays its
"sales price from", its "sales price to" and the commission % of each stage. Thanks to the icons on the right, we can
proceed to modify the price ranges (icon paper and pencil) or eliminate the price ranges (icon red paper bin).
Important note: assigning commissions to "special operations" (such as hydrostatic testing and refilling) whose prices
depend on the product type, are managed from "materials" and not from "operations"
By clicking the icon + at the top of the table, we can register a new price range.
The window new price range registration opens where we fill in the following fields: