Managing Product Categories

Managing Product Categories

Registering Categories
We click the Main menu / button warehouse / button categories to access the window manage categories where we
can register a category or search for an existing one.
To create a category, we click the option add. A window with 2 fields opens:
• field category: we fill in the name of the category we would like to create (e.g. consumables, detection devices
• field subaccount: we fill in the subsidiary ledger account of that category if G3w is linked to an accounting software
application. If we do not enter any subaccount, the generic subaccount defined during the implantation is taken.

We click the option create to validate the category registration. Data of the category we have just created is displayed onscreen
(name and ledger account) . There are 2 icons on the right of each category, the icon down arrow, which allows us
to edit the category to query its data and the icon paper and pencil, with which we can modify or delete that category during
the registration process.

When we click the option cancel we proceed to abort the registration process.

Searching for, displaying and querying categories
From Main menu / button warehouse / button categories we access the window Manage categories. We click the option
A window opens where we enter, in the field categories, the name of the category we are looking for or, alternatively, a
search pattern. If we leave the field categories blank, the system will display all the categories registered at our company.
After entering the search filter, we click the option Display. We access the manage categories screen displaying us all the
categories that match the search criterion we have entered.

We locate the category we are looking for.
Click on the icon down arrow located on the right to view and query their details: category and accounting entry.

Modifying categories
From Main menu / button warehouse / button categories we access the window Manage categories. We click the option

A window opens where we enter, in the field categories, the name of the category we would like to modify or, alternatively,
a search pattern. If we leave the field categories blank, the system will display all the categories registered at our company.
After entering the search filter, we click the option Display. We access the manage categories screen displaying us all the
categories that match the search criterion we have entered.

We locate the category we would like to modify.
We click the icon paper and pencil on the right. We access a window that gathers the chosen category’s data. We proceed
to modify the information of our interest (category and/or subsidiary ledger account). We click the option update to validate
the entered changes or the option cancel to abort said modification process.

Eliminating categories
G3w allows us to eliminate a category from our system as long as there are no subcategories linked to it.

From Main menu / button warehouse / button categories we access the window Manage categories. We click the option

A window opens where we enter, in the field categories, the name of the category we would like to eliminate or, alternatively,
a search pattern. If we leave the field categories blank, the system will display all the categories registered at our company.

After entering the search filter, we click the option Display. We access the manage categories screen displaying us all the
categories that match the search criterion we have entered.

We locate the category we would like to eliminate.
We click the icon paper and pencil on the right. We access a window that gathers the chosen category’s data. We click
the option eliminate to delete the category. The system asks us to confirm the deletion and informs that "the selected item
will be deleted". We click the option validate to validate the elimination. Remember that we can’t eliminate a category if it
has subcategories linked to it.

We click the option cancel to abort the elimination process.

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