Materials Transfer Between Warehouses

Materials Transfer Between Warehouses

Let us see how we can transfer materials from one warehouse to another.

First of all, let us learn about the 3 requirements to be able to transfer materials between warehouses:
• The first requirement is that the materials are stock control enabled. Having stock control implies that, for example,
when one of our technicians uses this material in their jobs, their stock in the warehouse to which it is associated
is decreased by the number of units that they have used; on the contrary, when our warehouse receives an order
from the supplier, the stock of the material is increased by the number of units received.
• The second requirement is that our company has more than one warehouse.
• The third requirement is that the materials to be transferred from the source warehouse, have stock equal or greater
than the quantity we would like to transfer.
Managing transfers of materials between warehouses is carried out from the Main menu / button warehouse / button
Transfer materials. The window Transfer of materials between warehouses with its 2 areas opens:
• the upper area where we can enter the necessary data to do the transfer:

- field select the origin warehouse. We select, as its name indicates, the warehouse from which we would
like to transfer the materials.
- field select the destination warehouse. We select the warehouse to which we would like to transfer the
- field quantity. We can do two things:
· enter in the field quantity the quantity to be transferred and/or
· select the materials to be transferred in the following field (drop-down field materials) and then
state the quantity to be transferred in the field quantity of the grey materials table in the lower
area of the window.

- field material with the icon code scanner. We select the materials we would like to transfer in two different
· typing in that field their description, barcode or external code. As we are typing, the materials list
that match this pattern appears.
· capturing the barcode clicking the icon code scanner. We place the cursor inside the field
material and hover the code scanner over the code to read and transfer the information to that
• The lower part with a grey materials table to which the materials we have selected for the transfer are added.
The information for each of them is as follows:
- your name
- the quantity to be transferred if we have entered it in the field quantity in the upper area of the screen; if
we have not typed any quantity, the default value "1" appears. In both cases, we can modify the quantity
by typing in this field the actual amount we would like to transfer.
- the current quantities in the source warehouse and the destination warehouse.
- icon paper bin allows us to eliminate from the list of selected materials those that we do not wish to
transfer or those we cannot transfer. The materials we cannot transfer are those that are not stock control
enabled or those whose stock in the source warehouse is 0 or less than the quantity we would like to
The system flags the materials we cannot transfer with red colour. We have to eliminate them from the
list by clicking the icon paper bin.

We can either proceed to transfer the selected materials or continue selecting more materials to be transferred; in this case,
the new materials will be added to the grey materials table enabling a bulk transfer. In order to speed up the bulk transfers
of materials, we can select materials (from the drop-down field materials) without indicating their quantity in the field
quantity; and, after selecting all the materials, modify their quantities in the field quantity of the grey materials table.

This process can be very useful if we perform bulk transfers from one warehouse to another. Let’s suppose, for example,
that we are going to transfer all the materials from a technician's van (considered as a warehouse) to the main warehouse.
We capture all the materials by reading their barcodes with the scanner. And instead of typing the quantities item by item,
we simply capture all the materials with the scanner. After they have been captured, we indicate the quantities to be
transferred by modifying them in one go in the fields quantity of this grey materials table.

Press the option Transfer to initiate the transfer of the materials. If there are materials without stock control enabled or
materials with stock control enabled whose stock in the source warehouse is 0 or less than the quantity we would like to
transfer, then the transfer will not be validated. The system shows a message saying: "the transfer has not been performed
because errors related to the established quantities have been found. Please check the available materials stock in the
source warehouse". In these cases we click the icon paper bin on the right to eliminate that materials item from the list of
materials selected for the transfer.

Once the transfer has been validated, the grey materials transferred table appears that contains a summary of the
materials we have transferred with the following information: materials transferred with their materials code, the source
warehouse, stock variation in the source warehouse (initial quantity and final quantity), the destination warehouse, stock
variation in the destination warehouse (initial quantity and final quantity) and the units transferred

If we click on the Excel icon we obtain an excel list with a list of all the transfers of materials carried out between the 2
selected warehouses.

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