Modifying A Sales Representative

Modifying A Sales Representative

In order to modify a sales representative, we need to locate him/her first.
We click the Main Menu / button sales representatives / button manage sales representatives. We access the
manage sales representatives window which displays a list containing all the sales representatives registered at
our company.
We locate the sales representative we would like to modify. Now we can proceed with the modification.
We click the icon paper and pencil on the right. A window with all the sales representative details opens We modify
the relevant details (name, surname(s), address, town, province, postcode, email address, phone number (landline
and mobile) and the status). As we can see, we can modify all the fields except that of the sales representative code
used to identify the sales representative.

The most significant modification is that of the sales representative status. We can deactivate or activate it by
disabling or enabling the selector state.

We click the option accept to validate the entered changes or the option cancel to abort the process.

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