Modifying A Warehouse

Modifying A Warehouse

We start by locating the warehouse whose information we would like to modify. From the Main menu / button warehouse
/ button manage warehouses , we access the window Manage warehouses.

We click the option Search. A window opens where we enter, in the field warehouse, the name of the warehouse we are
looking for or, alternatively, a search pattern. If we leave the field warehouse blank, the system will display all the
warehouses registered at our company.

We click Display. We access the screen Manage warehouses which displays all the warehouses matching the set filter.

On the chart, we locate the warehouse we would like to modify. We click the icon paper and pencil on the right. We access
a window where we view all their details (name, address, town, postcode, telephone, mail, van registration number and the
person in charge). We modify them. We click the option update to validate the fields.
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