Process. Commissions For Each Sales Representative Linked To Each Product/Operation

Process. Commissions For Each Sales Representative Linked To Each Product/Operation

For each sales representative, a commission % is defined for fees, products and operations of jobs that have been carried
out for site clients to which that sales representative is linked.
The process encompasses 4 stages:
1. assigning a sales representative to a site client as their account manager
2. establishing commissions to a sales representative
3. generating payments to sales representatives
4. settling payments

Before explaining these stages, we will comment on 2 important aspects.

1. As for the first stage, the sales representative must be assigned to the site client before creating the job so
that the system links the sales representative to the commissions of the jobs, carried out for the clients. Therefore,
if a job is generated for a site client with no sales representative assigned from the beginning, the job will not be
linked to any sales representative, not even if a sales representative is linked to a site client while a job is being
carried out.

2. As for the second stage, sales representative commissions need to be established before completing the
job , this is because commissions are applied upon job completion. In this sense, if a sales representative has no
established commissions and a job associated to a site client is completed, the sales representative will not receive
any commissions.

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