Querying A Product’s Movements

Querying A Product’s Movements

Warehouse flow (in and out) or tracking of a product in a warehouse
We can learn about a product’s tracking history inside a warehouse based on a range of dates, i.e., all the product entries
and exits related to a determined warehouse and time period. The requirement is that this product is stock control enabled.

The process for obtaining a product’s history of movements is described in chapter 2.8.2 of this manual.

Querying a Product’s Entries and Exits
We can also learn about the entries and exits of products that are not stock control enabled (purchased units versus sold
units) for a given time period.

From the Main menu / button Materials management / button search, we locate the product of our interest. Depending
on the information we would like to retrieve, we click the icon paper and pencil located to the right of the materials, and
then we click either the option material entry or the option material exit from the button panel at the bottom. A window
opens where we select the date range for which we would like to obtain such information. After providing the information
and clicking the option continue, an Excel file opens.

The list containing the entries states all the receptions this product has had. For each date of entry or reception of that
product, the list informs of the warehouse and the product receiving person, the received units, whether or not the stock has
increased, its purchase price, the supplier, the order number and status etc.

The list of exits informs of all the jobs for which the product has been used. For each job for which it has been used, the
list informs us of the date and time the materials were used, the units used for that job, its purchase and sales price, the
invoice client and site client corresponding to that job, the sales representative and technician linked to that job, the invoice
listing the invoiced materials (if applicable).

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