Querying The Stock Of A Product

Querying The Stock Of A Product

Querying all the stocks assigned to a product
We can check all the stock levels of specific materials (current stock, minimum stock level and maximum stock level) from
the Main menu / button Materials management / button search.

A window opens where we can enter the product search filters in the fields description, product code, external code,
supplier, manufacturer, model, category and subcategory.

We click the option display to validate the search process. The system displays a table with all the products that match the
entered parameters.

We locate the product of our interest. We click the icon down arrow or the icon paper and pencil on the right to view the
complete product information, including its stock status.

Querying the stock of all the products assigned to a warehouse
A very useful query in order to manage the inventory, is that of the "status of a warehouse", which is a list of all the products
with stock control enabled in that warehouse and its respective stock levels (current, minimum and maximum).

From the Main menu / button warehouse / button warehouse status, we select the warehouse whose status we would
like to know (in the field select the warehouse).
The system retrieves a chart with all the products that are stock control enabled.
For each product, the manufacturer provides the following: model, external reference (usually that of the supplier), barcode,
current stock, total amount of products maintained in that warehouse at purchase price, minimum stock level and maximum
stock level, as well as the total amount of products maintained in that warehouse at purchase price.
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