Querying Warehouse Data

Querying Warehouse Data

Sometimes, we may want to view and query all the details of a warehouse (name, address, town, postcode, telephone,
email, van registration number and the person in charge).
The first step is to find the warehouse. From the Main menu / button warehouse / button manage warehouses, we access
the window Manage warehouses.
We click the option Search. A window opens where we have to enter, in the field warehouse, the name of the warehouse
we are looking for; or, alternatively, we can key in a search pattern (for example, the term "van", if we would like to view all
the vans our company considers warehouses). If we leave the field warehouse blank, the system will display all the
warehouses registered at our company.

After entering the search criterion, we click the option Display. We access the screen Manage warehouses which displays
all the warehouses matching the set filter.

We locate the warehouse whose information we would like to query and click the icon down arrow on the right. We access
a window where we can view all the warehouse’s details: (name, address, town, postcode, telephone, email, van registration
number and the person in charge).

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