Registering A Sales Representative

Registering A Sales Representative

We will now proceed to explain how we can register a sales representative at our company.
Via the Main Menu / button sales representatives / button we click the manage sales representatives.
We access the manage sales representatives window which displays a table containing all the sales representatives
registered at our company, if there are any.
The window provides information about each sales representative’s:
• status (the selector is green if the sales representative is active and red if it is inactive)
• name
• email address
• mobile phone number
• phone number.

Besides, the window contains 3 icons:
• the plus icon in the table header. It allows us to add more sales representatives.
• the icon 2 sheets to the right of each sales representative. It allows us to query the sales representative’s details.
• the icon paper and pencil to the right of each sales representative. It allows us to edit the details to modify them.

To register a sales representative, click the plus icon +.
The window manage sales representatives opens where we must fill in the fields to add a new sales representative:
• field sales representative code. We enter an alphanumeric code that identifies the sales representative.
• field name. We enter the sales representative’s name.
• field surname(s). We enter the sales representative’s surname(s).
• field address. We enter the sales representative’s address.
• field town. We enter the sales representative’s town.
• field province. We enter the sales representative’s province.
• field postcode. We enter the commercial's postcode.
• field email address. We enter the sales representative’s email address.
• field phone number. We enter the sales representative’s phone number.
• field mobile phone number. We enter the sales representative’s mobile phone number.
• field observations
• selector status. Upon registration, we enable the green selector, this means that there is an assigned sales

We click the option accept to register the new sales representative or the option cancel to abort the registration process.
When exiting the manage sales representatives window and clicking again the button manage sales representatives,
we can see that the new sales representative shows up in the sales representative chart at our company.
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