Sales Report (Listed Invoices)

Sales Report (Listed Invoices)

A sales representative’s sales report retrieves all the invoices linked to a sales representative.
We have to be aware that this list can, on certain occasions, lead to mistakes, because an invoice that includes
several jobs, can be linked to different sales representatives. If we link the calculation of commissions to the invoices,
we may be doubling payment of commissions.

This is because, in G3w, one invoice does not correspond to one sales representative. However, G3w links jobs to
sales representatives (since a job can only be assigned to on sales representative). Again, an invoice does not
belong to a sales representative, because an invoice may include jobs from different sales representatives, even
though this is not common. And if an invoice includes jobs linked to multiple sales representatives, when retrieving
the sales report (listed invoices) corresponding to those sales representatives, we would be doubling or tripling these
invoices and then be paying commissions.
Let's see how we can obtain the listing.

To retrieve the invoices to which sales representatives are linked, on the Main menu we click the button sales
representative/ button invoice listing. A window opens where we have to enter the search criteria:
• field sales representative. We select the sales representative whose list we would like to obtain. If we do not
select any, the query is launched against all the sales representatives.
• field issue date from. We enter the invoice issue date from which we would like to obtain the list.
• field issue date to. We enter the last issue date.
• field collection date from. We enter the invoice collection date from which we would like to obtain the list.
• field collection date to. We enter the last collection date.
• selector include collected invoices. We tick this option depending on whether or not we would like to include
collected invoices. Usually, we would activate this selector since commissions are paid upon collected invoices
• selector include uncollected invoices. We tick this option depending on whether or not we would like to include
uncollected invoices.

We click the option list to validate the query. We access the window Sales report (listed invoices).
• The list header displays the summary of the search filters entered: sales representative, issue dates from and to
and the chosen selector related to invoices, whether collected or not.

• At the bottom of the list is a chart containing invoices that can be attributed to the sales representative that matches
the provided search criteria. Each of them provides the following information:
- client number (gives access to the Client record) and its name
- job number, gives access to the Task record
- invoice number (that gives access to the invoice), invoice issue date
- collection date, if already collected
- invoice tax base and amount
- maturity date
- Remarks

The queried information can be exported to Excel.

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