Sales Representative Performance Report

Sales Representative Performance Report

A sales representative’s performance report provides information on how much a sales representative has produced, that
is, the turnover generated for our company by the jobs linked to that sales representative.

This refers to jobs linked to a sales representative. In principle, these are the jobs we have carried out for the site
clients that are assigned to that sales representative. We would like to remind that this linking must take place
before the job is created. Therefore, if a job is generated for a site client with no sales representative assigned
from the beginning, the job will not be linked to any sales representative, not even if a sales representative is linked
to a site client while carrying out a job.

Linking a sales representative to a site client is described in the User Manual ‘G3w and the Management of Clients’.
Remember to assign it when registering a new site client or modifying an existing one, do so from the Main menu /
button clients / selector site client / button edit / field assigned sales representative. All the jobs are automatically
assigned to that sales representative.

However, after executing the job, the assigned sales representative can be assigned, modified or deleted from the
Task record (entering the relevant information in the field sales representative on the right side of the record).

Let’s recap: the performance report refers to the jobs assigned to a sales representative, and not to a site client’s
jobs that may have an assigned default sales representative (the sales representative assigned to a job may have
been modified).

As we will see below, a sales representative’s performance report is very useful for paying commissions that are linked to
the invoiced amounts, the invoiced and collected amounts, the bonuses, the % profit and so on, as the report provides all
that information.

Let's look at how the report is obtained and the kind of information it provides. In order to look up the amounts invoiced or
to be invoiced to a client that is assigned to a sales representative, we click Main Menu / button sales representatives /
button sales representative performance. A window opens where we have to enter the search criteria:

• field sales representative. We select the sales representative whose report we would like to obtain. If we do not
select any, the query is launched against all the sales representatives.
• date field from. We enter the job completion date from which we would like to query the jobs.
• date field until. We enter the job completion date from which we would like to query the jobs.
• selector grouped. We tick this selector if we want to group a query by sales representative, that is, a query with
all the jobs assigned to that sales representative. And if we are retrieving the report for all sales representatives,
grouped means that all the jobs assigned to each of the sales representatives are grouped according to the total
• selector exclude non-invoiceable jobs. We tick this option if we do not wish to include the non-invoiceable jobs
in the query. At some point this may be useful if we want to pay a sales representative commissions for what has
been or will be invoiced, excluding items that will never be invoiced.
selector not invoiced. We tick this option if we do not wish to include the invoiced jobs in the query. For example,
let us suppose we would like to know how much the sales representative has produced but not yet been invoiced.
• selector invoiced. We tick this option if we want to include only the invoiced jobs in the query. For example, let us
suppose we would like to know how much the sales representative has produced and already been invoiced.
• selector only collected. We tick this option if we want to include only the collected jobs in the query. For example,
let’s suppose we would like to know what has already been collected from the sales representative’s achieved
sales. Most companies pay for what has been collected and invoiced.

We click the option query to validate the query.
We access the window Performance list.
• If a sales representative has been selected but the query has not been grouped, we will obtain a report containing
the following information:

- the job ID, indicating the job type (recurring, dependent, call-out) and its number (through which you can
access the Task record)
- we enter the sales representative’s name.
- the job type: monthly, annual etc., corrective, maintenance and so forth.
- the job completion date
- the site client where the job was carried out: reference number (from where we access the Site client)
and name
- whether or not it is an invoiceable job
- the invoice number, if available (from here we can access the invoice)
- the job time in minutes
- the travel time in minutes
- the cost of job = [("minutes travelled" + "minutes worked") x "technician cost"] + "cost of purchasing the
products supplied for the job".
- the amount charged to the client. It is established by the resources, materials, operations and fees that
are charged to the client at the sales price
- the profit = "amount charged" - "cost of work".
- % margin over cost. Profit is calculated on the "cost of work"
- % margin over sales. Profit is calculated based on "the amount charged the client"
- Bonus. A bonus is a unit to measure the profit of the work that our company has carried out. In the current
software version, the bonus represents a standard amount calculated in relation to the gross margin. In
future software versions, the value of the bonus will be assessed by our company; this allows us to even
offer a different value depending on the job type.

Also, in future G3w versions, sales representatives will be able to view the technician ranking based
on bonuses obtained on a day, in a week, a month or a year, and thus see what position they are in
compared to others in the company. Because they do not know the value of the bonus, they do not have
access to the gross margins at our company.

At the bottom, we can see the sum of the working and travel times, the cost of work, the amount charged to
the client, the profit and the margins.

This information can be exported to Excel.

• If we have chosen a sales representative and selected the option group the result, we obtain a report containing:
- the amount of jobs carried out that are linked to that sales representative
- the total time of the jobs in minutes
- the total travel time in minutes
- the total cost of the jobs = [("minutes travelled" + "minutes worked") x "technician cost"] + "purchase cost
of products supplied for the job".
- the total amount charged to the client. It is established by the resources, materials, operations and fees
that are charged to the client at the sales price
- the gross margin = "amount charged" - "cost of work".
- % margin over cost. Profit is calculated on the "cost of work"
- % margin over sales. Profit is calculated based on "the amount charged the client"
- Bonus. A bonus is a unit to measure the profit of the work that our company has carried out. In the current
software version, the bonus represents a standard amount calculated in relation to the gross margin. In
future software versions, the value of the bonus will be assessed by our company; this allows us to even
offer a different value depending on the job type.
It can be exported to Excel.

  1. If we have selected all the sales representatives and requested to group the result, we obtain a report containing:
- the sales representative’s name
- the amount of jobs carried out that are linked to that sales representative
- the total time of the jobs in minutes
- the total travel time in minutes
- the total cost of the jobs = [("minutes travelled" + "minutes worked") x "technician cost"] + "purchase cost
of products supplied for the job".
- the total amount charged to the client. It is established by the resources, materials, operations and fees
that are charged to the client at the sales price
- the gross margin = "amount charged" - "cost of work".
- % margin over cost. Profit is calculated on the "cost of work"
- % margin over sales. Profit is calculated based on "the amount charged the client"
- Bonus. A bonus is a unit to measure the profit of the work that our company has carried out. In the current
software version, the bonus represents a standard amount calculated in relation to the gross margin. In
future software versions, the value of the bonus will be assessed by our company; this allows us to even
offer a different value depending on the job type.
This information can also be exported to Excel.
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