Searching For And Displaying A Product

Searching For And Displaying A Product

Let us see how we can search our system for materials and/or resources.

We click Main menu / button Warehouse / button Materials management / button search. A window opens with the fields
that can serve as filters during the search process.

• field description. We enter as a search filter product description we would like to locate (both the description
1 as well as the alternative description).

• field product code. We enter the product code (internal code or the barcode).
• Field barcode. We enter the product barcode as a search filter.
• field external code. We enter the external code of the product we would like to locate as a search filter.
• field supplier. We enter the product supplier as a search filter.
• field manufacturer. We enter the product manufacturer as a search filter
• field model. We enter the product model as a search filter
• field category. We enter the category as a search filter.
• field subcategory. We enter the subcategory of the product as a search filter. If we have selected a category,
the system only displays the subcategories of that category; if no category is selected, the system displays all
the subcategories.
• Field Linked to the equipment devices. We enter one of the equipment typologies to which the materials we
are looking for are linked to.
• Selector with available stock. We activate the selector whenever we want the materials we are looking for to
have available stock in one of the warehouses.
• Selector Remote access. We activate the selector when the materials we are looking for are products that our
technicians should be able to see displayed on their mobile devices.

We click the option display to validate the search process, the option Excel to obtain an Excel listing with materials that
meet the search criteria or the option cancel to abort the process.

In the first case, the system displays a table with all the products that match the entered parameters. For each product, the
information provided is the materials containing the internal code of the system and its description, the external code, the
supplier, the manufacturer, the model and a remark.

For each product 4 icons are displayed:
• icon mobile device. It indicates it is a remote access product, that is, a product that our technicians can view
on their mobile devices
• icon warehouse. It indicates it is a product with stock control enabled.
• icon down arrow. It allows us to display the complete product information.
• icon paper and pencil. It allows us to edit and modify the complete product information.
In addition, from the lower button panel we can perform other operations such as:
- define price ranges for product sales prices (option price ranges),
- eliminate products with their stocks (option eliminate),
- duplicate already existing products to facilitate the registration of other similar products (option duplicate),
- query product entries and exits for a date range (option entry of materials and option exit of materials).

We can click on any of the table headers so that the information is displayed in ascending or descending order by that

We click the option cancel to exit this screen.

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