Settling Payments

Settling Payments

We issue the commission payment to the sales representative and also record that the payment has been issued.

Issuing the Payment
We click the Main menu / option sales representatives / option settlements management. The settlements
management window opens displaying all the payments settled by our company.

For each of the payments, the window displays the following information:
• payment number
• the paid off sales representative
• the settled period (date from - date to)
• the settled amount
• the payment description. This is the remark that has been written in the payment completion window after
generating the payment
• the payment generation date
• the payment status: paid (if already paid to the sales representative) or pending (if the payment has been
generated but the sales representative has not yet been paid)
Each payment displays 3 icons:
• icon 2 sheets to view the payment. Specifically, it informs about the:
- payment itself: payment reference, sales representative, settled period, generated by, generation
date, status (paid, pending etc.), amount, description, payment date and method of payment) as
well as
- the jobs included in the payment containing information about the: job number, site client, job
completion date, paid amount and commission.

• icon paper and pencil : we can edit and modify the payment. It allows us to change the description, the
payment date and payment method.

• icon printer o print out the settlement. This way, our sales representative can sign it after receiving the
payment and we will have a proof of payment. When clicking the printer, the window State the granularity
to print the settlement. The system offers the following options
- obtain a document specifying exclusively each job’s amount and its overall commission.
- obtain a document specifying each job’s commission for each materials item included in the job
and/or for each operation performed on the job.
We select the payment we would like to settle. We click the icon paper and pencil on the right. We fill in the following fields:
• field payment date. We type the current date, which is the date the technician receives his/her payment for the
• field payment method. We indicate the method to issue the commission payment
We click the option update to validate the payment. The commission payment is automatically flagged as paid and recorded
as such in the payment status.
Searching for payments
We click the Main menu / option sales representatives / option commission payment. The manage payments window
opens displaying all the payments settled by our company.
We can search for a specific commission payment by clicking the search option and entering the following search criteria:
• field payment reference
• field description
• field status
• field generation date
• field settled period
• field sales representative
• field job number

We click the option query to validate the entered search filters. The manage payments window opens displaying all the
payments matching the entered search criteria.

For each of the payments, the window displays the following information:
• payment number
• the paid off sales representative
• the settled period (date from - date to)
• the settled amount
• the payment description. This is the remark that has been written in the payment completion window after
generating the payment
• the payment generation date
• the payment status: paid (if already paid to the sales representative) or pending (if the payment has been
generated but the sales representative has not yet been paid)
Each payment displays 3 icons:

• icon 2 sheets to view the payment. Specifically, it informs about the:
- payment itself: payment reference, sales representative, settled period, generated by, generation
date, status (paid, pending etc.), amount, description, payment date and method of payment) as
well as
- the jobs included in the payment containing information about the: job number, site client, job
completion date, paid amount and commission.

• icon paper and pencil : we can edit and modify the payment. It allows us to change the description, the
payment date and payment method.

• icon printer o print out the settlement. This way, our sales representative can sign it after receiving the
payment and we will have a proof of payment.
When clicking the printer, the window State the granularity to print the settlement. The system offers
the following options
- obtain a document specifying exclusively each job’s amount and its overall commission.
- obtain a document specifying each job’s commission for each materials item included in the job
and/or for each operation performed on the job.

We select the payment of our interest, the one we want to pay out, modify or delete, and then proceed as described in the
related sections.

Modifying Payments
We click the Main menu / option sales representatives / option commission payment. The manage payments window
opens displaying all the payments settled by our company.

We select the payment we would like to modify.
We click the icon paper and pencil on the right.
• Once the payment has been issued, we can only change the description.
• If the payment is pending, we can also change the date and payment method.
We click the option update to validate the changes in both cases.

Eliminating Payments
Obviously we can only eliminate payments that are in a pending state, never those that have already been paid.

We click the Main menu / option sales representatives / option commission payment. The manage payments window
opens displaying all the payments settled by our company.

We select the payment we would like to eliminate.
We click the icon paper and pencil on the right. Then we click the option eliminate to eliminate the recurrence.